Iconic entertainment the world can’t wait to see. Enjoy the latest and most popular movies and series from the world’s biggest studios, streaming all in one place including Paramount+, Universal, DreamWorks, Sky, Paramount, Nickelodeon, Showtime and Peacock.
SkyShowtime is a new streaming service and home to blockbuster entertainment. An incredible catalog full of new and exclusive TV series and movies, kids and family entertainment, real-life stories and documentaries, as well as your all-time favorites. This is just the beginning.
Stream the way you want.
With SkyShowtime you can:
• View on three devices simultaneously anywhere, anytime.
• Cast from any device.
• Create up to 5 profiles including childproof profile.
• Download all your favorites, well-curated and ad-free.
SkyShowtime brings you handpicked, quality entertainment to fit every moment of entertainment that you won’t find anywhere else such as, Poker Face, Yellowstone, Star Trek: Strange New Worlds & Yellowjackets.
Look anywhere, stop anytime.